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May 5, 2018

Insights from Elevate 2018

Artemis Health

Elevate 2018 was a smashing success. We blazed new paths, reached new heights, and forged new connections with those who know us best—our clients. Today we're sharing the key insights and takeaways we learned from our speakers and from each other. Here are some of our favorite quotes from the gathering.

“Whether employers like it or not, they’re in the healthcare business.”

“The biggest problem in healthcare can be summed up in one word: misalignment. The interests and values of all the players are misaligned.”

“Consumer-driven health plans: we’ve crossed a threshold where these are now the most prevalent plan type. Almost 40% of employers now ONLY offer CDHPs.”

“We wanted to be able to take our data to our CFO because if you can put numbers in front of her, you’re going to get some investment. The data allowed us to go to the powers that be and say, ‘This is worth investing in.’”

“We’re now entering the employer-driven era in healthcare. We’ll be driven by provider quality, by incentives, by consumer experience and engagement, and more.”

“Addiction treatment that's successful is a combination of abstinence or decreasing the frequency of the drug, and dealing with behavioral patterns and takes the brain 3 years to heal 99% from addiction, but we’re paying for 30 days of treatment.”

“Along the journey to $0 prescription drug waste, we made a huge point to communicate with employees and explain to them how and why we were taking these steps.”

“The first question will be, ‘What was the value of these changes? What was the ROI?’ The data is the key to answering these questions.”

“The success of your formulary design is measurable.”

“Break up with drug rebates. They aren’t guarantees. They could be there one day and gone the next, so you can’t rely on them as part of your prescription strategy.”

“Whenever you see a substitution recommendation in the Artemis Platform, we want you to know two things: the substitution is possible, and the substitution will never be less effective for patients than the original drug."

“We need to move to an adage of, ‘No Outcome-No Income’ when it comes to provider quality. I’ve worked with employers who put in quality measures with their provider networks. You have the power to do this type of work.”

“We are not an organization that’s focused on cost as the primary goal. We believe that if we get people to the right place at the right time, you’re going to address cost AND provide value.”

“We’re able to get the data sets to start talking to each other and break down those traditional silos in our data.”

“We’ve been looking at data in a different way, looking at these point solutions to see how they actually affect medical and pharmacy spend.”

“We are using the Artemis tool in a way we never anticipated. We never thought of it as the key to developing a mental health strategy.”

“People spend so much time at work. We feel it’s our duty as an organization to take all the data we have available and build something that works for employees.”

“The data warehouse helps us to do three things: validate our intuitions, create some hypotheses, and expose variability.”

“If you come to Artemis’ offices and ask around about our goals, the #1 thing you’ll hear is, ‘Win with product.’ We want to build the product that will push the industry forward.”

“Roadmaps are predictive by nature. Just like any other prediction, like your benefits spending, you’re probably not going to get it exactly right. Just in the last 48 hours, we’ve adjusted this based on your expertise and feedback.”

Thank you to all who attended and helped us make this event useful, informative, and most importantly, fun.

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